State 4-H Youth Advisory Committee
Who can join an Advisory Committee?
Open recruitment for committee membership takes place every spring. 4-H members, recent alumni, 4-H adult volunteers, county and state 4-H YDP staff, and program partners and collaborators are invited to apply.
What will I do on my committee?
Advisory Committees provide leadership to the 4-H YDP within their respective areas and offer insight, review and input for the operation and management of the 4-H YDP to the Statewide 4-H Director. Each committee has a different goal, and each member has a specific role on the team.
When do these committees meet?
Committees meet face-to-face various times of the year and may schedule conference calls and utilize email to conduct committee business. Travel to meetings may be reimbursed through and account in the State 4-H Office.
What types of committees can I join?
Ready to apply? Fill out the online application by May 31.