Enrollment Steps for New and Returning Youth
Age in 4-H is based on the 4-H member's age on December 31st of the program/school year.
RETURNING Youth Member Enrollment
Complete online registration at https://4h.zsuite.org/
NEW Youth Member Enrollment
All youth that want to join 4-H must enroll annually.
Steps for new members:
1. Choose a Club: Imperial County 4-H Clubs email . Need help call our county office at (442) 265-7700.
2. Contact the Club: Contact the Community Leader for the club you are interested in joining to let them know you are signing up. They will be able to give you more information about the club, program fees (including if there are project specific cost), and the types of projects they offer.
3. Attend a Club Meeting: The Club Leader will let you know when the next unit meeting is for the club so that you can attend, pay your program fees, and talk to project leaders about their projects.
4. Sign Up on ZSuite: Create a family profile online at https://4h.zsuite.org/ . Members are grouped by Household, so you can add all the youth family members who want to join 4-H (and any adults that would like to volunteer). If you are under 18, please have a parent or guardian enter the information.